7.10. setupdocx.build_apiref

For current help refer to the online help:

python setup.py build_apiref --help

Alternative implementations are:

ipython setup.py build_apiref --help
jython  setup.py build_apiref --help  # requires special install of setuptools, refer to the manuals
pypy    setup.py build_apiref --help

ipw.exe setup.py build_apiref --help  # IronPython on Windows

With current output:

Common commands: (see '--help-commands' for more)

  setup.py build      will build the package underneath 'build/'
  setup.py install    will install the package

Global options:
  --verbose (-v)  run verbosely (default)
  --quiet (-q)    run quietly (turns verbosity off)
  --dry-run (-n)  don't actually do anything
  --help (-h)     show detailed help message
  --no-user-cfg   ignore pydistutils.cfg in your home directory

Options for 'build_apiref' command:
  --build-apiref      the name of the called script for the creation of the
                      API reference, default: <conf-dir>/call_apiref.sh
  --build-dir         the name of the build directory, default: build/
  --clean             removes the cached previous build, default: False
  --conf-dir          directory containing the configuration files, default:
  --debug (-d)        raises level of debug traces of current context,
                      supports repetition, each raises the debug level of the
                      context by one
  --docname           document output name, default: attribute of derived
                      class self.name
  --docsource         the name of the document source directory, default:
  --doctype           document type to create, default: 'html'
  --help-doctypes     List available document formats
  --name              the name of the package, default: attribute of derived
                      class self.name
  --no-exec (-n)      print only, do not execute
  --no-exec-max (-N)  print only the complete call stack, do not execute
  --rawdoc (-r)       Uses the generated documents by 'apiref' only, currently
                      the only option.
  --release           The release of the package
  --srcdir            Source directory
  --verbose (-v)      raises verbosity of current context, supports
                      repetition, each raises the command verbosity level of
                      the context
  --verbose-ext (-x)  verbose for external tools, integer value, higher values
                      raise the level
  --version           The version of the package, default: attribute of
                      derived class self.distribution.metadata.version

usage: setup.py [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
   or: setup.py --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
   or: setup.py --help-commands
   or: setup.py cmd --help

Help on usage extensions by setupdocx

7.10.1. Module

Creates extended API reference by epydoc.

7.10.2. BuildApirefX

class setupdocx.build_apiref.BuildApirefX(dist)[source]

Create API reference. finalize_options


API of ‘distutils’.





  • SetupdocXBuildApirefSetupError

  • SetupdocxBuildApirefError

  • pass-through initialize_options


API of ‘distutils’.

REMARK: verbose and debug are encapsulated/hidden by distutils. run


Creates documents. Calls the defined and activated wrapper scripts. The call flow could be customized by various interfaces.

I.      self.set_environment()    # could be superposed by derived class
II.     self.call_prologue()       # could be superposed by derived class
III.    subprocesses:
    1.    builder_path.sh          # could be arbitrary custom call wrapper
    2.    build_docx.sh            # could be arbitrary custom call wrapper
    3.    build_apiref.sh          # could be arbitrary custom call wrapper
IV.     self.call_epilogue()       # could be superposed by derived class

For the called custom worker scripts refer to:

For the passed environment variables see ENVIRONMENT. join_sphinx_mod_epydoc


This is method is displayed for general documetation purposes only. Currently hardcoded, will be changed for flexible customization in future releases.

7.10.3. Exceptions