# # AUTHOR = Arno-Can Uestuensoez # AUTHOR_EMAIL = acue_sf2@sourceforge.net # LICENSE = Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints # COPYRIGHT = Copyright (C) 2019 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez # UUID = 1ba7bffb-c00b-4691-a3e9-e392f968e437 # # # *** verified for GNU-Make *** # # # the build tool # ifdef $$BUILDDIR BUILDDOC = $${BUILDDOC} else BUILDDOC = sphinx-build endif # # optional comand line parameters - for test only # BUILDDOCOPTS = $${BUILDDOCOPTS} ifdef ${1} DOCTYPE = ${1} else ifdef $$DOCTYPE DOCTYPE = $${DOCTYPE} else DOCTYPE = html endif endif .PHONY: help help-sphinx Makefile clean # standard target defined by command line or environment parameter ${DOCTYPE}: Makefile @$(BUILDDOC) -M $@ "." "_build" $(BUILDDOCOPTS) # alternative sildcard-target for anything else - whatsoever %: Makefile @$(BUILDDOC) -M $@ "." "_build" $(BUILDDOCOPTS) clean: rm -rf _build/${DOCTYPE} help: @echo @echo Makefile for the call of $(BUILDDOC). @echo Provides the interface by environment variables: @echo - BUILDDOC: name of build tool, default 'sphinx-build' @echo - DOCTYPE: type of created document, default 'html' @echo @echo The call additionally supports the pass-through of additional options @echo to the build tool. @echo - BUILDDOCOPTS: options to be appended to the call of name 'BUILDDOC'. @echo @echo The following are intentionally fixed and cannot be modified by parameters: @echo @echo - BUILDDIR: name of target directory for build output, constant '_build' @echo - DOCSOURCE: the document source, constant '.' @echo @echo for help on build tool call 'make help-sphinx' @echo help-sphinx: @$(BUILDDOC) -M help "." "_build" $(BUILDDOCOPTS)