Source code for setupdocx.install_docx

#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""installs created documetation
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import shutil
import re

import distutils.cmd

import setupdocx
import setuplibcore

import yapyutils.files.utilities as utilities 
import yapyutils.files.finder as finder 
import yapyutils.config.capabilities

__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__author_email__ = ''
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2019 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__uuid__ = "1ba7bffb-c00b-4691-a3e9-e392f968e437"

[docs]class SetupDocXInstallError(setupdocx.SetupDocXError): pass
[docs]class InstallDocX(distutils.cmd.Command): """Compile and install documentation.""" description = 'Install documentation locally from build directory.' user_options = [ ('build-dir=', None, "installation source, " "default 'build', " "resulting in the created document 'build/doc/<docname>'"), ('clean', None, "removes the previous document, be careful with this and check the target twice," "no additional confirmation is requested, default: False"), ('debug', None, "debug flag"), ('docname=', None, "document name, could be different from '--name' " "used as the input and the output name of the document, " "default: ''"), ('doctype=', None, "document type to install, default 'html' only"), ('force', None, "Force to processing by deactivating non-essential checks, " "suppresses validation, " "default: False"), ('forcedir', None, "Force to pack directories, in case of single document types " "such as PDF too. Else the types PDF, and EPUB are compressed " "without the containing directory. The name of single-file documents is " "changed when archive name, version, etc. are provided. " "Default: False"), ('name=', None, "package name, changes '', " "default: ''"), ('no-exec', 'n', "print only, do not execute"), ('target-dir=', None, "installation target directory, PEP-370, user data directory, " "default '/user/data/' + 'doc/en/html/man3'"), ('verbose', None, "verbose flag"), ] #: The provided capabilities of the builder and it's components. capabilities = yapyutils.config.capabilities.Capability( { "components": { "default": "sphinx-apidoc", # adjusted in dependence of the 'doctype' "sphinx": "sphinx-apidoc", # extract rst for sphinx-build "sphinx-apidoc": "sphinx-apidoc", # extract rst for sphinx-build }, "sphinx-apidoc": { "metatypes": [ "rst", # reStructuredText ], "doctypes": [ "html", # reStructuredText ] }, "defaults": { # DEFAULTS: updated by capabilities.json "builder": "default", # False "builder_path": None, # search(<conf-dir>, <configdir>, <docsrc>/conf)/ "build_dir": "build/", # build/ "build_reldir": "sphinx/apidoc/", # apidoc/sphinx/ "clean": None, # False "config_path": None, # <docsource>/conf/ "docname": None, # attribute of derived class, see "docsource": "docsrc/", # docsrc/ "doctype": None, # html "indexsrc": "index.rst", # 'index.rst' "name": None, # attribute of derived class, see "release": None, # "srcdir": None, # list/tuple(<name>/,) "template": "", # default template, default:=alabaster "version": None, # } } ) doctypes_supported = ( "html", # simple HTML with defaults for sphinx and epydoc "singlehtml", "epub", "pdf", "latexpdf", "latexpdfja", "man", "mangz", # "devhelp", # "htmlhelp", # "qthelp", ) doctypes_suffix = { "epub" : '.epub', "pdf": '.pdf', "latexpdf": '.pdf', "latexpdfja": '.pdf', "mangz": '.gz', } # Sets default values for call options # Foreseen to be set by the derived class # in ''. docx_defaults = { # DEFAULTS: 'apidoc': False, # False 'apiref': False, # False 'build_apidoc': None, # search(<conf-dir>, <configdir>, <docsrc>/conf)/ 'build_apiref': None, # search(<conf-dir>, <configdir>, <docsrc>/conf)/ 'build_doc': None, # search(<conf-dir>, <configdir>, <docsrc>/conf)/ 'build_dir': 'build/', # build/ 'build_reldir': 'apidoc/sphinx/', # apidoc/sphinx/ 'clean': None, # False 'conf_dir': None, # <docsource>/conf/ 'docname': None, # attribute of derived class, see 'docsource': 'docsrc/', # docsrc/ 'doctype': None, # html 'indexsrc': 'index.rst', # 'index.rst' 'name': None, # attribute of derived class, see 'release': None, # <year>.<month>.<day> 'srcdir': None, # list/tuple(<name>/,) 'version': None, # } #: default values for command line parameters
[docs] def initialize_options(self): self.build_dir = None self.clean = None self.debug = None self.docname = None self.doctype = None self.force = None self.forcedir = None = None self.no_exec = None self.target_dir = None
[docs] def finalize_options(self): # quick-and-dirty hack to resolve the inconsistency of # global and local verbose values of distutils try: _v_opts = self.distribution.get_option_dict('dist_docx')['verbose'][1] if _v_opts: self.verbose += 1 except: # fallback to the slightly erroneous behavior when the interface # of distutils changes pass if self.forcedir == None: self.forcedir = False else: self.forcedir = True if self.force == None: self.force = False else: self.force = True if self.no_exec != None: self.no_exec = True if self.clean == None: self.clean = False else: self.clean = True if == None: = if self.docname == None: self.docname = self.docx_defaults.get('docname') if self.docname == None: self.docname = # if self.docname == None: # self.docname = if self.doctype == None: self.doctype = "html" else: if self.doctype not in self.doctypes_supported: raise SetupDocXInstallError( "doctype = " + str(self.doctype) + " - supported: " + str(self.doctypes_supported)) if self.build_dir == None: self.build_dir = os.path.normpath("build/doc/"+str(self.docname)) if self.target_dir == None: if self.doctype in ('man', 'mangz',): self.target_dir = "man/" else: self.target_dir = "doc/en/" if sys.platform in ('win32'): self.target_dir = os.path.normpath( os.path.expandvars("%APPDATA%/Python/" + self.target_dir)) else: self.target_dir = os.path.normpath( os.path.expanduser("~/.local/" + self.target_dir)) else: self.target_dir = os.path.normpath(self.target_dir)
[docs] def run(self): """Installs created document from *build* directory to target directory. """ if self.no_exec: if self.clean and os.path.exists(self.target_dir): print("shutil.rmtree(%s)" % (str(self.target_dir))) print( "shutil.copytree(%s, %s)" %(str(self.build_dir), str(self.target_dir))) else: # # common single-file documents: pdf, epub # if self.doctype in ('pdf', 'epub',): if self.forcedir: _t = self.target_dir + os.sep + str(self.docname) if self.clean and os.path.exists(_t): shutil.rmtree(_t) shutil.copytree(self.build_dir, _t) else: if not os.path.exists(self.target_dir): os.makedirs(self.target_dir) for f in os.listdir(self.build_dir): shutil.copy(self.build_dir + os.sep + f, self.target_dir) # # man pages: man, man.gz # elif self.doctype in ('man', 'mangz',): if self.forcedir: _t = self.target_dir + os.sep + str(self.docname) if self.clean and os.path.exists(_t): shutil.rmtree(_t) shutil.copytree(self.build_dir, _t) else: for f in os.listdir(self.build_dir): _src = self.build_dir + os.sep + f # transform flat files into man structure if self.doctype == 'man': _sec = re.sub(r'^.*[.]', '', f) elif self.doctype == 'mangz': _sec = re.split(r'^(.*[.])([^.]+)(.gz)$', f)[2] _secpath = self.target_dir + os.sep + 'man' + str(_sec) if not os.path.exists(_secpath): os.makedirs(_secpath) shutil.copy(_src, _secpath) # # directory based documents: html, singlehtml, helpdev, helpqt, ... # else: _t = self.target_dir + os.sep + str(self.docname) if self.clean and os.path.exists(_t): shutil.rmtree(_t) shutil.copytree(self.build_dir, _t) print("# "+str(self.build_dir)) print("# from : "+str(self.build_dir)) print("# to : "+str(_t)) print("# display with: firefox -P preview.simple " + str(_t) + "/index.html") return print("# "+str(self.build_dir)) print("# from : "+str(self.build_dir)) print("# to : "+str(self.target_dir))