Source code for setupdocx.dist_docx

#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""creates a document-package for the distribution of the package documentation
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import sys
import shutil
import time
import zipfile
import tarfile
import gzip

import distutils.cmd
import setupdocx
import setuplibcore

import yapyutils.files.utilities as utilities 
import yapyutils.files.finder as finder 
import yapyutils.config.capabilities

# the setupdocx is at the lowest architecture level, 
# thus should require as few prerequisites as possible,
# doing it manually where required...
# lzma is available beginning with Python-3.3 - others than CPython to be checked
    import pythonids
    if pythonids.PYVxyz >= pythonids.PYV33:
        isPYV33plus = True
        isPYV33plus = False

    if sys.version >= '3.3':
        isPYV33plus = True
        isPYV33plus = False

__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__author_email__ = ''
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2019 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__uuid__ = "45167c30-3261-4a38-9de4-d7151348ba48"

[docs]class SetuplibDistDocXError(setupdocx.SetupDocXError): pass
[docs]class DistDocX(distutils.cmd.Command): """Create a document distribution package.""" description = 'Compile documentation into a distribution package.' user_options = [ ('append', None, "append files to existing archive, default: create new," "can be used to add new unpack-dir"), ('build-dir=', None, "document source location, default 'build/', " "reads the prepared documents from <build-dir>/doc/<document-name>"), ('clean', None, "removes the previous document, be careful with this and check the target twice," "no additional confirmation is requested, default: False"), ('date', None, "adds the build date to the archive name, default '<year>.<month>.<day>'"), ('debug', None, "debug flag for 'build_docx'"), ('dist-dir=', None, "archive location for creation, default 'dist/'"), ('doctype=', None, "document type to pack, default: 'html', " "see '--help-doctypes'"), ('extra-suffixes=', None, "comma separated list of extra suffixes, " "single file-documents are validated by suffixes, e.g. '.pdf' or '.epub', " "non-digit suffixes for man pages require extra suffixes, see manuals" "default: ''"), ('force', None, "Force to processing by deactivating non-essential checks, " "suppresses validation, " "default: False"), ('forcedir', None, "Force to pack directories, in case of single document types " "such as PDF too. Else the types PDF, and EPUB are compressed " "without the containing directory. The name of single-file documents is " "changed when archive name, version, etc. are provided. " "Default: False"), ('formats=', None, "comma separated list of types of the created packages, default: 'zip', " "see '--help-formats'"), ('help-doctypes', None, "List available document formats."), ('help-formats', None, "List available distribution formats."), ('name=', None, "changes package name '', " "see also '--name-in' and '--name-out'"), ('name-in=', None, "input package name, default ''"), ('name-out=', None, "output package name, default ''"), ('no-exec', 'n', "print only, do not execute"), ('plat-name=', None, "platform name to add to name, default: ''"), ('quiet', 'q', "quiet of current context, resets verbosity of applied context to '0'," " default: off"), ('set-release=', None, "The release of the package"), ('set-version', None, "sets version of created archive, default: ''"), ('verbose', 'v', "raises verbosity of current context, supports repetition, " "each raises the command verbosity level of the context by one "), ] #: The provided capabilities of the builder and it's components. capabilities = yapyutils.config.capabilities.Capability( { "components": { "default": "sphinx-apidoc", # adjusted in dependence of the 'doctype' "sphinx": "sphinx-apidoc", # extract rst for sphinx-build "sphinx-apidoc": "sphinx-apidoc", # extract rst for sphinx-build }, "sphinx-apidoc": { "metatypes": [ "rst", # reStructuredText ], "doctypes": [ "html", # reStructuredText ] }, "defaults": { # DEFAULTS: updated by capabilities.json "builder": "default", # False "builder_path": None, # search(<conf-dir>, <configdir>, <docsrc>/conf)/ "build_dir": "build/", # build/ "build_reldir": "sphinx/apidoc/", # apidoc/sphinx/ "clean": None, # False "config_path": None, # <docsource>/conf/ "docname": None, # attribute of derived class, see "docsource": "docsrc/", # docsrc/ "doctype": None, # html "indexsrc": "index.rst", # 'index.rst' "name": None, # attribute of derived class, see "release": None, # "srcdir": None, # list/tuple(<name>/,) "template": "", # default template, default:=alabaster "version": None, # } } ) doctypes_supported = ( "html", # simple HTML with defaults for sphinx and epydoc "singlehtml", "epub", "pdf", "latexpdf", "latexpdfja", "man", "mangz", "devhelp", "htmlhelp", "qthelp", ) doctypes_suffix = { "epub" : '.epub', "pdf": '.pdf', "latexpdf": '.pdf', "latexpdfja": '.pdf', "mangz": '.gz', } formats_supported = ( "bzip2", "gz", "lzma", "tar", "targz", "tgz", "xz", "zip", ) formats_suffix = { "bz2": "bz2", "gz": "gz", "bzip2": "bz2", "lzma": "lzma", "tar": "tar", "targz": "tar.gz", "tgz": "tgz", "xz": "xz", "zip": "zip", }
[docs] def initialize_options(self): self.append = None self.build_dir = None self.clean = None = None self.debug = None self.dist_dir = None self.doctype = None self.extra_suffixes = None self.force = None self.forcedir = None self.formats = None self.help_doctypes = None self.help_formats = None self.name_in = None self.name_out = None self.no_exec = None self.plat_name = None self.set_version = None self.set_release = None self.version = None
[docs] def finalize_options(self): # quick-and-dirty hack to resolve the inconsistency of # global and local verbose values of distutils try: _v_opts = self.distribution.get_option_dict('dist_docx')['verbose'][1] if _v_opts: self.verbose += 1 except: # fallback to the slightly erroneous behavior when the interface # of distutils changes pass if self.clean == None: self.clean = False else: self.clean = True if self.name_in == None: self.name_in = if self.name_out == None: self.name_out = self.unpackdir = self.name_out + os.sep if self.force == None: self.force = False else: self.force = True if self.dist_dir == None: self.dist_dir = "dist" + os.sep if self.build_dir == None: self.build_dir = "build" + os.sep if self.doctype == None: self.doctype = "html" else: if self.doctype not in self.doctypes_supported: raise SetuplibDistDocXError( "doctype = " + str(self.doctype) + " - supported: " + str(self.doctypes_supported)) if self.extra_suffixes == None: self.extra_suffixes = tuple() else: # have to trust - no criteria self.extra_suffixes = self.extra_suffixes.split(',') if self.formats == None: self.formats = ("zip",) else: self.formats = self.formats.split(',') for f in self.formats: if f not in self.formats_supported: raise SetuplibDistDocXError( "format = " + str(f) + " - supported: " + str(self.formats_supported)) self.pkgname = self.name_out + "-doc-" + self.doctype if self.no_exec != None: self.no_exec = True else: self.no_exec = False if self.set_version != None: self.pkgname += "-" + str(self.distribution.metadata.version) if self.set_release != None: # either alternative to version or add-on, e.g. 'alpha' self.pkgname += "-" + str(self.set_release) if != None: # platform self.pkgname += str(time.strftime("-%Y.%m.%d", time.gmtime())) if self.plat_name != None: # platform self.pkgname += "-" + str(self.plat_name) if self.append != None: self.append = True if self.help_doctypes != None: print("Known document types:") for dt in sorted(self.doctypes_supported): print(" --doctype=%s" % (dt)) sys.exit(0) if self.help_formats != None: print("Known archive types:") for dt in sorted(self.formats_supported): print(" --type=%-10s # suffix: %s" % (dt, self.formats_suffix[dt])) sys.exit(0) if self.forcedir == None: self.forcedir = False else: if 'gz' in self.formats: raise SetuplibDistDocXError( """ 'gzip' is supported for one single file document only you selected '--forcedir' for gzip: formats = %s """ % (str(self.formats)) ) if 'mangz' == self.doctype and 'gz' in self.formats: raise SetuplibDistDocXError( """\n The document type 'mangz' is already a compressed gzip format.""" )
[docs] def run(self): """Assembles the distribution packages from the build directory. """ _in = os.path.normpath(self.build_dir + os.sep + "doc" + os.sep + self.name_in) if not os.path.exists(_in): raise SetuplibDistDocXError("Requires pre-built documents:" + str(_in)) if self.verbose > 1: print("package from: " + _in) _in = os.path.abspath(_in) _out = os.path.normpath(self.dist_dir + os.sep + self.pkgname) _suffixes = ', '.join([self.formats_suffix[x] for x in self.formats]) if self.verbose > 1: print("package to: %s.%s" % (_out, str(_suffixes))) _out = os.path.abspath(_out) if self.verbose > 1: print("package unpack: " + self.unpackdir) print() if self.no_exec: if not os.path.exists(self.dist_dir): print("mkdir: " + self.dist_dir) print("create: %s: %s" %(_out, _suffixes)) else: if not os.path.exists(self.build_dir): os.makedirs(self.build_dir) _tmpdir = self.build_dir + os.sep + 'docxdist' if not os.path.exists(_tmpdir): os.makedirs(_tmpdir) if not os.path.exists(self.dist_dir): os.makedirs(self.dist_dir) _oldpwd = os.curdir if self.append: _mode = 'a' else: _mode = 'w' # if ( # self.unpackdir # and self.unpackdir == os.path.dirname(_in) # ): # # # # an unpack directory is provided, # # # os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(_in))) # _relpackdir = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(_in)) # # elif ( # # #FIXME: # self.unpackdir # and self.unpackdir == os.path.basename(_in) # and os.path.exists(_in) # and os.path.isfile(_in) # ): # # # # an unpack file name is provided, # # # os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.normpath(_in))) # _relpackdir = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(_in)) # # else: os.chdir(_tmpdir) if self.clean: if self.verbose > 2: print('shutil.rmtree(%s, True)' % (self.unpackdir)) shutil.rmtree(self.unpackdir, True) if self.verbose > 2: print('shutil.copytree(%s, %s)' % ( str(_in), str(self.unpackdir + os.sep))) shutil.copytree(_in, self.unpackdir + os.sep) # # documents consisting of multiple files # if self.doctype in ('html', 'singlehtml', 'htmlhelp', 'qthelp',): # pack directories _relpackdir = os.path.normpath(self.unpackdir) _packsource = (_relpackdir,) if self.verbose > 3: print('pack: %s' % (str(_relpackdir))) # # documents packs containing multiple autonomous files # elif self.doctype in ('man', 'mangz',): # pack directories _relpackdir = os.path.normpath(self.unpackdir) if self.doctype in ('man',): self.extra_suffixes = self.extra_suffixes + ( '.1', '.2', '.3', '.4', '.5', '.6', '.7', '.8', '.9', '.0', ) if self.forcedir: # pack directories _packsource = (_relpackdir,) else: # pack single file(s) os.chdir(_relpackdir) _packsource = [] for _f in os.listdir('.'): _s = os.path.splitext(_f)[1] if ( not self.force and _s not in self.extra_suffixes and _s != self.doctypes_suffix.get(self.doctype, False) ): raise SetuplibDistDocXError( """incompatible suffix type, expect doctype: %s got file: %s see pack directory: %s see options: '--extra-suffixes' and '--force'""" %( str(self.doctype), str(os.path.basename(_f)), _relpackdir, )) _packsource.append(_f) # # documents consisting of one file # elif self.doctype in ('latexpdf', 'latexpdfja', 'pdf', 'epub',): _relpackdir = os.path.normpath(self.unpackdir) if self.forcedir: # pack directories _packsource = (_relpackdir,) else: # pack single file(s) os.chdir(_relpackdir) _packsource = [] _s = os.path.splitext(_f)[1] for _f in os.listdir('.'): if ( not self.force and _s not in self.extra_suffixes and _s != self.doctypes_suffix.get(self.doctype, False) ): raise SetuplibDistDocXError( ''' incompatible suffix type, expect doctype: %s got file: %s see pack directory: %s ''' %( str(self.doctype), str(os.path.basename(_f)), _relpackdir)) _packsource.append(_f) if self.verbose > 3: print('pack: %s' % (str(_relpackdir))) if self.verbose > 2: print('shutil.copy(%s, %s)' % ( str(_in(), str(self.unpackdir + os.sep)))) # os.mkdir(self.build_dir + os.sep + self.unpackdir) for f in self.formats: _outn = os.path.basename(_out) if f in ('bzip2', 'bz2'): if self.verbose > 1: print("create bzip2: " + str(_outn + '.bz2')) with + '.bz2', _mode + ":bz2") as tar: for name in _packsource: tar.add(name) elif f == 'tar': if self.verbose > 1: print("create tar: " + str(_outn + '.tar')) with + '.tar', _mode) as tar: for name in _packsource: tar.add(name) elif f == 'targz': if self.verbose > 1: print("create tar.gz: " + str(_outn + '.tar.gz')) with + '.tar.gz', _mode + ":gz") as tar: for name in _packsource: tar.add(name) elif f == 'tgz': if self.verbose > 1: print("create tgz: " + str(_outn + '.tgz')) with + '.tgz', _mode + ":gz") as tar: for name in _packsource: tar.add(name) elif f == 'zip': if self.verbose > 1: print("create zip: " + str(_outn + '.zip')) with zipfile.ZipFile(_out + '.zip', _mode) as myzip: for _ps in _packsource: if self.doctype in ('latexpdf', 'latexpdfja', 'pdf', 'epub', 'man', 'mangz',): myzip.write(_ps) else: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(_ps): for f in files: myzip.write(root + os.sep + f) elif f == 'lzma': if self.verbose > 1: print("create lzma: " + str(_outn + '.lzma')) if isPYV33plus: with + '.xz', _mode + ":xz") as tar: for name in _packsource: tar.add(name) else: os.chdir(_oldpwd) raise SetuplibDistDocXError("Requires Python >= 3.3") elif f == 'xz': if self.verbose > 1: print("create xz: " + str(_outn + '.xz')) if isPYV33plus: with + '.xz', _mode + ":xz") as tar: for name in _packsource: tar.add(name) else: os.chdir(_oldpwd) raise SetuplibDistDocXError("Requires Python >= 3.3") elif f == 'gz' > 1: if self.verbose: print("create gz: " + str(_outn + '.gz')) for name in _packsource: with open(name, 'rb') as f_in, + '.gz', 'wb') as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) os.unlink(name) else: if not self.force: raise SetuplibDistDocXError("Unknown format:" + str(f)) os.chdir(_oldpwd)