

Modern landscapes of information infrastructures are commonly designed and organized as stacks of runtime service environments. The technical architecture of the service stacks consists of a wide range of heterogenous landscapes of components frequently requiring adaptation and mediation - resulting in a landscape of apps for the creation and installation of developer and user documentation.


Figure: Workflow commands for the creation of documents more…

The setupdocx supports document creation, packaging, and installation commands for various tools and output options as a single unified interface. This adds the ability to switch easily between various pre-configured document configurations of presentation and content variants. For example in case of Sphinx and Epydoc it is easy to switch between themes, templates, and styles, as well as configuration files by just one call parameter.

The initial provided components for standard tools support:

The following sub commands of build_docx are also available as standalone versions:

  • build_apidoc - extract API documentation as standard document by sphinx-apidoc

  • build_apiref - extract API documentation in javadoc style by epydoc

These are supported as the platform for the creation of the documentation distributions, once the distribution packages are created, setupdocx is no longer required, see Build and Target Platforms.

For more on extensions refer to [setuplib], and [setuptools] . For tested standard OS and distributions see help on installation / Tested OS and Python Implementations.




Online Documents

Runtime Repository




Product Data

  • MISSION=Support of documentation commands and extensions for setuptools / distutils.

  • AUTHOR=Arno-Can Uestuensoez

  • PROJECT=setupdocx

  • COPYRIGHT=(C)2019 Arno-Can Uestuensoez

  • LICENSE=Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints

  • VERSION=0.1.22

  • RELEASE=0.1.22

  • STATUS=Unknown

  • BUILDDATE=2019.12.28-11:54

profileinfoidx0 [xkcd] Support the OpenSource Authors

Modified Artistic License

The modified Artistic License is based on the ArtisticLicense2.0, but adds the amendmend of “Forced-Fairplay-Constraints” for peer-to-peer fairplay rules. The modification restricts, and even revokes the permission including the open source attribution in case of breaches, including the past.

License:ModifiedArtisticLicense2.0 = ArtisticLicense2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints
From Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez
Name  ModifiedArtisticLicense2.0

This is perfectly allright, as you may refer to cases like the faith of Andreas Pavel [AndreasPavel], or even my own - UnifiedSessionsManager (C) 2008 Arno-Can Uestuensoez [UnifiedSessionsManager] - the first multivendor cloud management system, capable of distributed hybrid clouds including virtual desktops. The UnifiedSessionsManager was originally licensed as GPL3.

So the software is OpenSource as long as you comply to basic rules - else not.